A Week of the Command Line

Stephen Hara

June 8th, 2024

A Week of the Command Line

Hi there! Welcome to the inaugural email of my newsletter!

What I've Been Writing

This week I've been working on an ebook idea I had a couple weeks ago, that being a "gentle introduction to the command line" for folks who lack experience with terminals, programming, and the other nitty gritty of the command line.

I got the idea as I was writing for another ebook, one aimed at teaching Elixir as an introduction to software development. It occurred to me that, well, a newb to computers probably won't have a great grasp of the command line...so why not split the long explanations and tangents from that book into a new one?

In the process I've realized there's a lot of knowledge involved in basic command line fluency, and it's really hard to keep the tangents contained and the book flowing well.

Just in a week or so of writing, I've already gone into:

  • commands and programs
  • REPLs and interpreters
  • compiled languages vs interpreted languages
  • shell programs
  • the Linux file system
  • navigating the file system
  • relative vs absolute paths
  • timestamps
  • the duality of programs as files
  • environment variables
  • the `PATH` variable
  • variable expansion

And I'm only 5000 words in!

I guess all that to say, it's important for experienced developers to keep in mind that we have built up a lot of lived knowledge and someone else, whether more or less experienced, may have a very different knowledge graph.

So let's do our best to make our graphs, and others' graphs, a little more complete every day!

Cool Reads and Peeps

The creator of Elixir, José Valim, posted a nice write-up on server vs client state in web applications and how the LiveView library as part of the full-stack Phoenix framework aims to keep it as simple as possible.

Follow me on Twitter for posts on what I'm writing about!

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Stephen Hara

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